Logs show all past activities and events in your monitoring setup. With the logs, you can, for example, review past user activities, system events, or check whether messages were sent. In a typical setup, a huge amount of log data is produced. Because PRTG records the activity of every single object, you can use this information to check if your setup works as required.

You can choose from several filters to navigate the log entries.

i_square_cyanFor more information, see section Working with Table Lists.

List with Log Entries

List with Log Entries


There are two ways to open the logs list. Either click the Log tab of a probe, group, device, or sensor, or click Logs in the main menu bar.

Log (Object Tab)

Probe, group, device, and sensor pages have tabs that you can use to navigate between the different options. For example, you can view your network's status, view monitoring results, or change settings.

Tabs Bar for Groups and Probes

Tabs Bar for Groups and Probes

Click the Log tab to show a table list with all log information for the selected object. This is a more detailed log than the system log that is available via the Logs | All option in the main menu bar.

Logs (Main Menu Bar)

Click Logs in the main menu bar to show a table list of all system log entries in your installation. Hover over Logs for further options:




Open a list with log information about all objects in your installation. The list begins with the most recent log entry.

Status Changes

Open a list with log information about specific status changes. Hover over Status Changes to choose from the following sensor states:

  • Up & Down
  • Down
  • Warning
  • Unusual
  • Up
  • Paused/Resumed
  • Acknowledged Alarms

System Events

Open a list with log information about specific system event types. Hover over System Events to choose from the following event types:

  • Report Related
  • Cluster Related
    i_round_blueThis event type only appears if you have a cluster.
  • Auto-Discovery Related
  • Notifications Related
  • Status Message Related

Object History

Open a list with log information about changes to the PRTG setup and deletions of subordinate system objects. The Object History has several tabs. To view the changes to all related settings and deletions of objects, use the following tabs:

  • My Account
  • System Administration
  • Notification Templates
  • Schedules
  • User Accounts
  • User Groups
  • Reports
  • Libraries
  • Maps

i_round_blueYou can also navigate to a corresponding page, for example, you can select Setup | Account Settings | My Account from the main menu bar, and click b_history in the page header bar to directly go to the related object history tab.


i_square_blueKNOWLEDGE BASE

The logs page in the PRTG web interface does not load. What can I do?